bobby’s body

this is my baby. this is the 2011 byu fsae formula hybrid race car. i was a part of a 14 man team to build (from the ground up) a gas-electric hybrid race car. it was a wonderful year that i had building this bullet. it is a rough competition and that year we placed 2nd overall and then this year i was an adviser to the team that placed 1st. but the part that i love the most is the body, also known as “bobby’s body.” i used NX 6 to model the body and then with the help of 2 others i roughed out the mold using the schools 5-axis mill and then with a lot of plastic filler (bondo) and sanding the molds were complete and ready to lay up carbon fiber. from making that R.C. car shell i had learned that making a female mold would give a better result, but we were short on time, so male mold it was. some more bondo and a lot more sanding we sent it off to paint.  the team used the body again in 2012 when they won 1st place.